Writing a “year-end” review is rather a daunting task. I mean, seriously. That’s 365 days of life that just went by. That’s 728 times around the clock. Yet, there is a sense of deep awe at the mercy of God when reflecting on how much life has changed in the past year. I am so grateful that God loves me exactly the way I am, and yet loves me too much to let me STAY the way I am. So, here is a peek into what God’s been doing in my life in ’09. It’s my prayer that this will cause you to reflect upon your own life and revel in God’s goodness in continuing to change you day by day.
Reflections on 2009
Well, here I am, Lord. One blink and I’m launched into this new year of 2009. Life with You has always been quite an adventure. This year is going to be no exception… I can just feel it in the air. You know, sometimes I wonder if my prayers are somewhat naïve. I’ve always heard that I shouldn’t pray for something unless I’m completely open to however You will answer. Praying that You will change me and use me for Your glory seems like such a good, Christian prayer to pray. It’s funny how my finite mind seems to limit the ways You could answer such a prayer.
Here, I was thinking that it was going to be so easy, until I heard… what?
You want to use my feet?
That seems rather strange. Wouldn’t you rather use my hands, maybe? Or my head? I mean, those seem like more likely options to me…
Oh, right. I forgot (I seem to always do!). I’m not the one in charge here.
You’ve handed me a pair of running shoes.
Hmm. I’m pretty sure I know what this means. Life is going on the fast track for awhile. What an interesting way to start off this new year. I can see this mountain looming ahead of me. So much to do!
I start off going so strong. I can feel the wind in my face and can see the pavement whizzing by underneath my feet. Work, school, friends, family, church…the responsibilities start piling up. It’s getting a little harder now… I can’t see the starting point anymore.
Now, my breath is getting faster, my steps are slowing down. Lord, where are you? This is getting too hard! If I could just tear my eyes off my feet, I would be able to see the finish line. The pain is burning now. I’m out of breath.
I finally look up and realize that You’ve been right in front of me all along. The finish line isn’t too far away. You keep coaxing my eyes back up… telling me to put one foot in front of the other in faith. I don’t need to see where I’m going. I just need to see You.
Finally, I take the final step and cross the finish line. Graduation. My muscles are weary, my breath is still gone, but there is a smile on my face. I look back at the winding road and realize that it wasn’t me running there – it was Your faithfulness that brought me through. Seeing that alone made it all worth it.
‘Now,” You smile gently, “I want you to see something...”